Saturday, August 22, 2009

15 Malaysia

Yeah, i guess most of you guys have probably heard about it. 15Malaysia ( is a short films project, consisting 15 short films made by 15 Malaysian film-makers or movie directors.
They've brought up various controversial issues : races, religions...
Really look forward to see how they voice out their opinions in an artistic way, unlike those public demonstrations out there.
My favourite so far is Potong Saga, Chocolate's to deep for me to enjoy...(hehe, what to do, i'm simple)
Support them, the 15 true Malaysians (plus me become 16, xD minus yasmin become 15 back=(
The first one, Potong Saga.(lolz, really sensitive...but i like it >xD Enjoy!)

(Strange, 1Malaysia and 15Malaysia; a difference in only one number...Yet an enormous gap exists between both)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Lolz, never really notice that babies are such humourous creatures..

Edward showed me this during BCP class :

Everybody luvs babies =)