Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Econs Lecturer VS Adorable Students of 1.1

Today in Economics tutorial class…

Ø Econs. Lecturer - Mr Ang
Ø Adorable students - Students

Mr Ang : Monopolistic competitive firms may organize meetings and work in alliance to maximize their profit. For example, D’len, Francis and Yee Khun might go into a secluded underground room and close the door to discuss about something.

Students :Oooooooo!!!( With dancing eyebrows.)

Mr Ang : Can’t you guys stop thinking of those things?! Anyway, it is not necessary that they are product-selling businesses. They can also provide services to…

Students : (Laughter) Yeah, services!!!

Mr Ang : (Shaking his head) (Students nowadays…) Their firms can be…

Students : (Roar with laughter again) Oh yeah! They are firm alright!

Mr Ang : OMG, you guys are really inclined to certain topics! Ok, I shall use the term‘organizations’ instead of ‘firms’ to stop you dirty-minded monkeys from getting excited again..


Mr Ang : (Speechless, laughing together.)

(At the end, Mr Ang was resorted to using ‘syarikats’ to replacing ‘firms’ or ‘organizations’ for the rest of the session.)

Talk about combo dirty remarks.

My adorable Economics lecturer/tutor- Mr Ang
(Picture sotlen from FB)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Longest. Presentation. Ever.

Today, i've reached one of the most important milestones in my life, all thanks to my accounting lecturer at Taylor's - Ms Tham. Last week, we were told to prepare a presentation of 15 minutes to explain our findings from the group assignment where we were required to interview a business. Everyone(well, almost) dressed in formal. We drew for our turns and my group were the first group to present. Then the nightmare started. As we presented, we were constantly interrupted by the lecturer who asked us tough questions like a machine-gun. Not only that, she brought up some of her old, ancient, vintage, antiquated, out-dated, pre-stone age grandmother stories, which she tells us on every lectures and tutorial class without fail. We started the presentation at around 10.05am and finished at 11am. 1 hour of presentation!!For a pathetic 5%!! and this wasn't even EWE. But to tell the truth, 1 hour=45 min of her stories + 15 min of the real presentation. Anyway, we+she used up the whole 1 hour slot of accounting and the others have to do theirs on the other days. Serve them right, wore formal clothes for nothing today, lolz! anyway, i think we did okay for this presentation.

p/s: sry JK for causing the you the embarrassment, lolz!

Finals Exam's coming!!

The timetable of final exam.

One more week to the finals and i'm still blogging here. Why can't i just concentrate on studies-just for one week??How to get tertiary merit scholarship from Taylor's next year? 90% average marks=full tuition fees waiver=almost RM70k+ !! Somebody please wake lazy me up!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bad Econs Marks

Today, my econs. lecturer gave us back the results of our group assignment and also last week's 5%quiz. I got relatively low marks. Felt very low. Felt even lower when i found out that YK got higher marks than me-although he's wasn't very good either. OMG, one more week and i'll sit for my final exams for the 1st semester and i haven't even figure out what the hell is a monopolistic competition in econs. Scholarship student huh? Scholarship my foot...But then, this jolted me up and i'll start the engine now. Whoever reading this, open your eyes wide and witness the resurrection of Jenson!!!(this means YOU).

Identified culprits of my downfall.

My brain.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stop the Nonsense.

Why create chaos? Why embarass yourselves?
Wait for another few years and the world's yours
-If you win our hearts today.

Boys and Jokes.

Lung Wang-Never tell him a joke, he won't understand it.(do not burden his brain)
Jason-Sometimes i don't understand his jokes.(But will laugh anyway)
CK-jokes(fake a laugh for him sometimes, will you?)
Jun-Wen-Will laugh politely even if a joke is not funny.(A joker's dream listener)
Wai Zack-the dirty joker.(the dirty & yellowish ones)
Keh Guan-dirty joker II.(a close buddy of YZ, what do you expect?)
YC-Don't copy his jokes, he doesn't like it.(Talk about copyrights...)
Lester-Tells cold jokes.(i mean the real chilly ones)
Syl-Laughes at any jokes-even non-jokes.(i just love this guy)
Chun Siang-The Joker.(Drink at your own risk when he's cracking a joke)
Shahril-No comment.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

EWE Presentation

Finally, I've finished my English Week Presentation at Taylor's Mezza floor. Our's on the first day of the first week, the 3rd group. Out of 4 groups presenting on that day, 3 business ideas are restaurants. Needless to say, our blind restaurant, Night was the most attention-catching idea.(at least to the judges). Dining in total darkness, cool huh? We were even considering the possibilities of opening this restaurant after we've graduated! Our board's design was not bad, huh?(thnks to me, xp). Threw it in the dustbin at mezzanine floor after the presentation anyway, I dispose anything that is useless to me...duh

Presentation Board.

My Team-JK, Yuuhi, Edward + a CEO.

Life in College

Nearly 3 months in Taylor's University College by now. Met a whole new bunch of friends : friendly ones, helpful ones, talkative ones, cold ones, hot ones and the bad ones(further descriptions are unnecessary.) Business Foundation is not really tough, but then it's only the 1st semester of a foundation program. Calmness before the storm...Lecturers were good, so far. The lifts in TBS were fast and relief points smelled okay. Went for a few scholarship interviews to get an internship program + 4 years of free education but the world outside prove to be tougher and harsher than i thought. I hate all those lady HR managers who interviewed me. Picky and choosy, just like buying vege at the market. But then, that's what they're suppose to do - to choose the best for their corporations and companies. I'm not the best. T.T

Companies who didn't want me T.T

21 World Class Scholarship receipients. I hate each and everyone of them.