Lung Wang-Never tell him a joke, he won't understand it.(do not burden his brain)
Jason-Sometimes i don't understand his jokes.(But will laugh anyway)
CK-jokes(fake a laugh for him sometimes, will you?)
Jun-Wen-Will laugh politely even if a joke is not funny.(A joker's dream listener)
Wai Zack-the dirty joker.(the dirty & yellowish ones)
Keh Guan-dirty joker II.(a close buddy of YZ, what do you expect?)
YC-Don't copy his jokes, he doesn't like it.(Talk about copyrights...)
Lester-Tells cold jokes.(i mean the real chilly ones)
Syl-Laughes at any jokes-even non-jokes.(i just love this guy)
Chun Siang-The Joker.(Drink at your own risk when he's cracking a joke)
Shahril-No comment.
2 years ago
wow since when my brain cannot be burdened ?