Today is the 8th day of Chinese New Year, but i'm still in new year mood, hehe. This morning, the management group and the RA of our apartment invited a group of lion dancers. Sis, bro and I went down to watch how "youngsters dressed like cartoon lions shake their heads and butts" (as according to Dad who don't really like lion dances). There were already 40-50 residents crowding near the guard house, most of them being Chinese, some Mid-Easterners and a few Indians. Around 12pm+, the performers arrived. Here are some pics:

A pair of lions!! (Both male. I think.)
Lions dancing into the shade.
(afraid of the scorching sun, too)
(some aunties even touched the whole lion body, they say it's for luck. Cheh)
Lion terhantuk kepala.
Head of Security lit the firecrackers which
punctured my eardrums.(ironically, he is an Indian)
After the performance near the guard house, the lion dance group and the crowd went inside to the club house and later to the RA's office. Me, tired of the stupid heat, went home and watched from the balcony.
At the RA office, they lit some fire crackers again (the Indian guy did it again - -). Some Mid-Easterners kids (Afghans, Iraqis or Iranians, i didn't know/care) playing football nearby ran away like dogs when they heard the noise. Maybe they thought they are being showered with bombs, like back at Afghanistan. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Not funny. Btw, i just finished reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hossenini, an author with bright future. Bought it at MPH with the voucher i got from college, so it's free =) About the plot, hmmm, all i can say is that it's quite touching at some points and at the same time it exposes the raw and genuine feelings and thoughts of a person, how a guy will act under jealousy to hurt his best friend (only to find out later, his half-brother), how cruel the Talibans are, and how an Afghan sees the world. Nice book indeed.
Anyway, by around 1pm+, the lions went home to their dens. And i went back to mine.
Going back to college in a few days to start my degree in applied finance. Yesterday, i went to register at lakeside campus with my family. Saw the total fees for 3 years, god, why is it so expensive just to learn something? Got 50% tuition fees waiver only, so it's still expensive. (T T) Nonetheless, i'll apply for World Class Scholarship again and hope i'll get it this time. Hope 3 years will fly by fast and i'll come out and work so that i can pay back Dad his money.
Hope i'll be his best investment.